From The Annual Journal

The annual journal is a great read. It enables members to stay in touch; there are articles of interest, news of members and memories of past colleagues.

A member, now in her mid-nineties wrote about a recent holiday and encourages us all to keep having adventures.

... Later I went back to the hotel and sat by the pool watching the swallows swoop over the water in the late afternoon, whilst other residents came to chat. I acquired a couple of surrogate great-grandchildren from Australia who clambered wetly over me after they came out of the pool. Evenings were balcony time, watching the changing light over both sea and the mountains whilst flocks of chatty sparrows settled to roost and bats took over from the swallows. It was not quiet, but it was peaceful and good for the soul.

This brief article isn’t meant to be a travelogue let alone a blow-by-blow account of a simple holiday. It is however written to persuade others that, regardless of age or infirmity, one should attempt the unlikely, break the mould, throw one’s hat over the windmill and just do things!


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